
Bylaws for the Fauquier County Pickleball Association

July 1, 2015


The name of this association will be the Fauquier County Pickleball Association (FCPA).

The purpose of the association is to increase awareness of the sport of pickleball in Fauquier County and to encourage participation and enjoyment of pickleball by new players, visitors, association members and their guests.

Our goals are to:

  • Welcome everyone who wishes to play pickleball in Fauquier County.
  • Work with Fauquier County Parks & Recreation Department on availability and scheduling of tennis courts for pickleball.
  • Work with Fauquier County to improve pickleball facilities.
  • Support Fauquier County pickleball player development, clinics and competition programs (to include tournaments, end of season eliminations, etc.).
  • Promote pickleball-related social activities in Fauquier County.
  • Cooperate with other pickleball associations to sponsor events and tournaments.
  • Comply with rules established by the USA Pickleball Association.

ARTICLE 2 – Pickleball PLAY

Pickleball play will comply with the rules established by the USA Pickleball Association.

Players must have the opportunity to play pickleball in a friendly setting.  To give everyone a chance to play as much as possible during scheduled hours, a rotation system will be used.

When possible, courts will be scheduled so as to offer players of similar ability the opportunity to play together.  To accommodate more advanced players who would like to play a harder, more aggressive game, one court will be designated as an advanced-play court.  Anyone can play on that court as long as they are willing to play a faster, more aggressive game than on the other courts and demonstrate a commensurate level of play.

A long term goal is for one day a week to be set aside where beginners are welcome to learn about pickleball and how it is played. Orientation sessions will be held periodically to explain the game, rules and how the rotation system works.  Demonstration and training clinics will also be held from time to time provided court time is available.

On days of scheduled play, beginners are welcome to play as long as they have been through the orientation for pickleball and the rules of the game.  Experienced players are encouraged to help less experienced players with the rules and scoring when necessary, and to provide friendly encouragement.

Players are expected to interact with one another in a courteous manner.  Appropriate action, including suspension of playing privileges at a facility, will be taken against anyone who is abusive or creates turmoil, disruption or conflict.


Any adult over the age of 18 can become a member of FCPA by filling out a membership information sheet and paying any annual association fees.  Members will form the “Player Directory.”  It is not necessary to be a resident of Fauquier County.

Children and teenagers under the age of 18 may play as long as a supervising adult is present and at least one parent is a member.  In addition, a “waiver of liability” form must be signed.

Visitors and players new to pickleball may use association facilities and loaner equipment.  They are encouraged to acquire their own equipment. Guests and visitors who intend to play will need to sign a waiver of liability form.  Guest privileges are extended for a limited time and at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


An Executive Committee will consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and two Board members. Terms for officers and board members is two years. A member can be elected to a second consecutive term.

The Executive Committee shall be formed from the elected officers for a two-year term and is limited to two consecutive terms, unless there are no candidates for these positions and the incumbent members are willing to stay on for another term.  In addition, there will be two general members. Vacancies may be filled from the membership.


The Executive Committee is charged with responsibility for the overall operation of the association including communications with Fauquier Parks and Recreation Department and has the authority to appoint committees to carry out the essential functions of the association.  The Committee may also publish policies, procedures and rules for association operations and play when necessary.  Members of the Executive Committee are expected to be available for meetings in the Fauquier County area on a regular basis, given reasonable notice.

President – The President will preside over all regular and special business meetings of the FCPA and the Executive Committee. The President has the authority to call General Membership meetings and Committee meetings, and may act as an ex officio member on any committees which may be formed.

In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, the President will appoint an interim replacement with Executive Committee approval.

The President will appoint, subject to approval of the Executive Committee, such committee chairpersons as may be deemed necessary to further the purposes of the FCPA.  Committees may include but are not limited to: Social Events, Publicity, Player Development (Clinics) and Tournaments.

Other duties include: purchase of balls and other equipment/supplies as needed; coordinate hours of play with the Fauquier County Parks and Recreation Department for use of facilities; arrange times for clinics and association events; and work with county officials and staff to maintain and improve pickleball facilities. The President may assign these duties to other members of the association.

Vice President – The Vice President will perform all the duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence, and assume the Presidency of the Association for the unexpired term of the President in the event of a vacancy. The Vice President will assist the President in the conduct of his/her duties as the President so directs.

Treasurer – The Treasurer will maintain the association’s financial records; collect membership fees and/or other fees approved by the association.

Secretary – The Secretary will keep the association records, including membership; mailing lists; minutes of meetings; and business correspondence.  The Secretary will assist the President to distribute pickleball-related information and news via email, as well as postings at recreation centers.

Board of Directors – There will be at least two members not holding an office selected by the membership.


There will be an annual meeting to conduct FCPA business and will be open to all FCPA members. The meeting will be held in October unless otherwise notified.  Executive Committee meetings will be held at least three times per year, or at the discretion of the President.  Executive Committee members are expected to make every effort to attend Committee meetings.

Additional informational meetings may be held as necessary. At least a one-week notice of the time, location, and topics for discussion must be given to the membership. The notice may be delivered via email.

A quorum of the membership is needed to pass any amendments, hold elections or other official business.

Minutes of all association meetings will be distributed via email to the membership by the association Secretary.


The association will set an annual fee for membership to cover the cost of liability insurance, pickle balls, other supplies and/or equipment, and Fauquier County fees.  Tournaments and other scheduled events are expected to be self-funding unless sponsored by an outside entity as approved by the Executive Committee.


Elections – Elections will be held at the annual meeting. Officers and members of the board will be elected by a simple majority of those present at the annual or special meeting. The Executive Committee will seek nominations for open offices from the membership at least three weeks prior to the annual meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor the day of the meeting as long as the nominee is willing to accept the position.

Quorum – A quorum will be 20% of the association membership.

Voting – A member must have paid any association fees to be allowed to vote.

Proxy – Proxy voting is allowed. The attending member must provide proxy instructions in writing.


Any member may submit an amendment request to the Executive Committee for consideration.  The Executive Committee may propose Bylaws amendments for approval by membership vote, and will be disseminated by email to FCPA members at least three (3) weeks prior to a general meeting of the membership.  A simple majority vote at the general meeting will amend the Bylaws provided that a quorum is in attendance.


In the event of dissolution of the Fauquier County Pickleball Association, any remaining cash assets will revert to the Parks and Recreation Department of the county.

By:  Robert P. Najjar, July 1, 2015